About me

I could use the motto printed on my blog – thanks to J.D. Salinger – but I will try to write something about me. Although I know me all too well I have no words to describe me so that one may find a bit of pleasure in reading those words. (I will remove this phrase if I think of someting better.)

If you succeeded in starting to read this paragraph, I am proud to tell you that I was born when school usually starts in Romania, on September 15 some long time ago. Although I don’t have many memories of my childhood, I have involuntary bits of memories that tend to come up from time to time and give some taste of my past experiences. Marcel Proust can tell you more about it. Most of it was spent in Hangu, a beautiful bit of Romania. Some images of the village are available on this website that I used to update when the FTP link was still working.

My youth started in Piatra Neamţ in autumn and ended in Iaşi on a summer day, as far as I remember. Now, I am in second age and enjoying the benefits of my adulthood.

I love languages and although I speak only one regularly, I start learning a new one every 6 months. Swedish tends to be the most attractive to me thanks to Selma Lagerlöf. I studied French and English in high school and university and made some trips into computational linguistics during my master courses.

My technical writing career started after I had a short experience in tourism industry and it got me interested in PHP, MySQL and AJAX which is the other part of my career. On the whole, it opened a large window onto the universe of computer science and its vast possibilities. Currently, I worked am working for telecommunications software company, but currently I am following a career as a freelancer in Belgium. Not so happy about the weather, but I’ve got used to it.

And so, I arrived to the day my blog started on another autumn day…I am still writing from time to time stuff I may find interesting to talk about…

  1. alx20 spune:

    Intereasting profile..i like your style..a bit ironic..a bit funny…a bit serious…some things from everything

    keep on the good work 😉

  2. luanar spune:

    the weather is worse in DK than in Belgium 🙂 you shouldn’t envy me. you’ve accomplished more than i have.apropo de incertitudini, you know, i could have come to belgium but i chose a northern country… (pe acelasi principiu cu suedia).

  3. Daniel spune:

    @luanar: well, there is more light here… but the rain is just neverending… and I envy you because Sweden is just a channel away… and because I wanted to go there in the first place…
    @alx20: thanks… still not sure if I like it too much… every time I read it it looks like somebody else had written it…

  4. ole spune:

    i was reading your blog and thought : ” i;m also a tech writer…working for a Belgian company…hm…also a Virgo…oh, i love languages too…” :)) I love coincidences..

  5. lamya777 spune:

    i’d wish to write so well in English. maybe you will write more about your life and work in Belgium, this is very interesting for us, the usual mortals which remained in Romania 🙂

  6. Daniel spune:

    Hey, I wish it was so much more interesting but life is what you make of it. I try to write sometimes, but I guess I find my topics a bit boring so they are left in a draft version… anyway, I enjoy reading other blogs 🙂 … and life is not much different than in Romania… apart from stray dogs, some degree of indifference and cleanliness, life goes the same way around here… about English, I think yours is pretty good and if you continue writing and reading in English, you’ll get even better…

  7. someone spune:

    Salutare, Daniel … mica e Gradina Domnului … si a twitter-ului … nu stiu de ce, dar dupa nume si dupa descriere, am impresia ca am fost colegi de clasa, la Hogas-limbi straine.

    salutari si numai bine! 🙂

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